Some insurance companies are now allowing and reimbursing Video Counseling sessions. Check with your insurance company. We realize that life gets busy, leaving the office can be difficult, many people travel for work, and weather conditions are not always safe. We want to do our best to offer continuous, uninterrupted care to our clients. Most of our therapists are equipped to offer remote video counseling sessions when appropriate.
Many companies offer EAP (employee assistance program) benefits to their members. Live Well Alliance is set up to take many of them. If you do not see yours listed, please inquire with us and we will do our best to set this up for you.
We are a collective of health and wellness providers seeking to help individuals, families, and our communities to be empowered, grow, and heal. We offer services to help you take real steps towards personal change: eliminate self-defeating habits; adapt to life changes; resolve conflicts; reduce stress; manage transitions; enhance your career; restore and repair relationships and enhance overall health.
Live Well Alliance, LLC
P.O. Box 9572
Seattle, WA 98109
Tel: (888) 232-0222